Marcelli Translation Roadmap

In April of 2019 I released a rough translation of the Part One of Francesco Antonio Marcelli’s 1686 work Regole della scherma on the Rapierists Facebook group. Only two months later Chris Holzman beat me to the punch with his publication of a complete translation, which was very well-received by the rapier community. Already being mostly finished with the translation (and in love with the material) I continued to work on the project. In exploring the numerous texts Marcelli references, alludes to, and sometimes even copies word for word without attribution I’ve attempted to give future readers a sense of the intertextual nature of his book (and to make a second translation worth reading).

To keep myself accountable, here is the work that remains before deciding how it will be released:

  1. Additional editing pass through the translation of Marcelli’s text
  2. Additional editing pass through all footnotes and appendices
  3. Translator’s introduction
  4. Plate cleanup
  5. Review by third-parties
  6. Final edits

I will be posting updates and informative tidbits as I go, so stay tuned!

It Begins

Rather than continuing to scatter the things I create across everything from Facebook groups to Twitter threads to Slack servers, I’ve decided to put this site online and keep everything in one central location. For the most part you can expect semi-regular posts on my research and thoughts on the martial arts of 16th-17th century Italy, but there may be the odd OSINT tip, trick, or tool.

As of now the only thing you’ll find available for download is my translation of Nicoletto Giganti’s 1606 work on rapier fencing, Scola, overo teatro. Not only is this the only complete English translation of Giganti’s book, but it includes a translation of marginalia written in a 1628 copy found in the Austrian National Library. Find it under Translations.